Guide the simple secret to choosing a juicy and rich passion fruit

Guide the simple secret to choosing a juicy and rich passion fruit

Passion fruit is rich in Vitamin C, has many good uses and is often processed into delicious and cool desserts.

Passion fruit is an egg-shaped fruit that grows mainly in the tropics and subtropics. It is native to Brazil, Australia, Malaysia and South America, but is grown mainly in New Zealand. There are about 400 varieties of passion fruit grown in tropical countries, but only 30 are edible.

Passion fruit has sedative effects , reduces anxiety and nervousness, lowers blood pressure, soothes convulsions, reduces functional abdominal pain and menstrual pain. Many studies show that passion fruit is a fruit that is rich in nutrients to help reduce heat and stay healthy, passion fruit is rich in vitamin C, which can be used in beauty treatments such as whitening, anti-aging...

Ripe passion fruit is usually dark, ripe and delicious, the skin will be thin and slightly wrinkled.

Vietnam now also grows a lot of passion fruit and is widely sold in markets as a familiar and popular fruit. But to choose delicious, sweet passion fruit, not everyone knows. Here are 3 ways to choose delicious, sweet, and rich passion fruit.

Look at the outside, color and size

Passion fruit is red, after ripening, the color distribution of the peel is very uniform, overall the fruit looks very beautiful and has purple and red colors. Looking at the glossy, red-purple passion fruit, it means that it has been exposed to light for a long time, has a higher ripeness and a slightly sweeter taste.

When choosing passion fruit, observe the color and size of the fruit.

Although the size of the passion fruit doesn't dictate whether the fruit is delicious or not, mature and delicious passion fruit is usually larger in size and has more flesh inside. Therefore, under the same conditions, it is advisable to choose a larger and darker passion fruit.

Housewives should choose to buy a slightly wrinkled, light, and slightly dry lemon that is a delicious fruit (because it is a lemon grown in Da Lat). And if the fruit is heavy, the skin is slippery, it is usually a passion fruit grown in the north or young, not old, thick skin, less delicious intestine, not as bold and fragrant.

Smell the aroma to choose delicious fruit

Passion fruit when ripe will have a characteristic flavor.

Fresh and ripe passion fruit, smelling from the rind has a fragrance, a characteristic aroma of passion fruit, if you smell sour, or rotten, or some other smell, this means that the passion fruit has deteriorated. and not fresh, so do not buy to eat.

Yellow passion fruit has a more intense fruit flavor than regular red passion fruit. The yellow passion fruit is also larger, with a smoother, more rounded rind. Before you taste the fruit, smell it first. Moreover, the flesh of yellow passion fruit is also sweet and sour, refreshing, full, juicy and has a more unique taste.

Many people think that yellow passion fruit is stronger than red passion fruit.

Touch with your hand and feel

It is said that what you hold in your hand is real. When buying fruit, people often touch it with their hands and weigh the fruit to judge its freshness and good or bad. This trick is also suitable for the selection of passion fruit.

Passion fruits are generally the same size and similar appearance, the fruit is heavier, the flesh inside will be relatively large and the ripeness is relatively high, because it has moisture and sweet sugar there, so it will be heavier. .

It is advisable to hold passion fruit in the palm of your hand for easy selection of delicious fruit.

Moreover, holding the passion fruit in the palm of your hand, you can feel its weight. Feeling comfortable gives you a better understanding of it. It is worth mentioning that freshly picked passion fruit has a lot of juice, but after a few days, the peel will slightly shrink, so some wrinkles will form, but this does not affect the sweetness and deliciousness of the passion fruit.

And if the fruit is heavy, the skin is slippery, it is usually a passion fruit grown in the north or young, not old, thick skin, less delicious intestine, not as bold and fragrant.

How to preserve passion fruit

A glass of fresh, natural, bright yellow passion fruit juice not only quenches thirst but also provides the body with many nutrients.

Passion fruit can be preserved by washing, draining for about 5 minutes and then placing it in the refrigerator, or if you are more careful, you can put them in plastic bags and tie the mouth of the bag.

In addition, the taste of passion fruit will be lost, if the heat method is used. Therefore, you can store passion fruit juice in a solid form and store it in a non-volatile non-hygroscopic container at a temperature of about 17-78 degrees Celsius for 1 year without spoiling.

If taken on an empty stomach, it will have a significant effect on the health of the stomach.

Harm if used too much

Passion fruit has many benefits, but frequent use and higher doses will lead to side effects such as fatigue, nausea, lethargy, even dizziness and arrhythmia. Passion fruit can also interact with sedatives and antihistamines or some herbs, and increase levels of sleepiness.

In addition, passion fruit also increases the risk of bleeding because of interactions with anticoagulants. Passion fruit is also easy to cause skin allergies such as hives, difficulty breathing, asthma and angioedema. Do not use passion fruit for people with stomach ulcers because of many organic acids and the risk of kidney stones.

You should see a doctor right away if you notice any of the above symptoms. Also, too high a dose should not be given to women who are pregnant or breast-feeding.

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